Break out of the nest with Sass

Say you’re applying styles to a nested element like so:

.parent {
  .child {
    opacity: 0;

What if you want that .child’s styling to only occur if a ‘grandparent’ of the .parent element has a certain class? Setting styles only when JavaScript is enabled is a good use case: the root html tag sometimes has the .js class applied to it.

So how do I apply that child style only if that html tag—all the way up the tree—has that .js class? Sass makes this easy with the @at-root rule.

@at-root .js {
  .parent {
    .child {
      opacity: 0;

You can use the @at-root rule even when nested. It essentially ‘breaks out’ of your nesting structure.

.great-grandparent {
  .grandparent {
    @at-root .js {
      .parent {
        .child {
          opacity: 0;
